I Heart Faces Tutorial WoG Wednesdays Thankful Giveaways

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Thankful Friday: Week 14

Yes, I'm a day behind (or, in the case of Tuesday's post, a day ahead!) but I'm here and Thankful! I must thank my friend Kim for reminding me that it was Thankful Thursday time--she wrote her own post about it and it was very encouraging to read!

Quite truthfully, though, I didn't know where I'd be on Thursday, thankful-wise. These last fourteen weeks of writing 7 things to be thankful for has been challenging and enlightening. Maybe enlightening is a weird term but I've really had my heart revealed as I come up with a list each week--I see what I value and how I miss a lot of the little blessings from God and, instead, I focus on the larger trials (because don't trials always loom larger than blessings until you look back on them...)?

This week, my grandpa went through really really rough patches where I found it really hard to rejoice in even the little things. We were told there was nothing that any medication could do for him; hospice was our only option. My parents said their goodbyes to him, my grandma weeped openly and continually, his children (my aunts and uncles) all drove down to see him one last time.

Miraculously, God is choosing to strengthen my grandpa's blood count, he is regaining strength and cognizance. The doctors and nurses are taking it day by day as is our family but we have much to be thankful for...
  1. as stated above, my Grandpa's upswing in health.

  2. My parents, aunt and uncles who all exhibit open love and concern toward their parents. It is amazing and emotional to watch!

  3. J's Mom, Judith! Her birthday is today! She raised three wonderful children, one of which I am honored to call "husband", one of which I consider a true sister, and the other which I tease and love like the brother I always wanted! I am thankful for her influence on them, her caring heart towards the downtrodden and sick, and the love she shares so openly towards me, as her daughter-in-law.

  4. Baby C...I can hardly believe it but she will turn ONE tomorrow. I have loved being her mom and watching her grow.

  5. Seeing the world through a child's eyes. C is daily astounded by what she finds in this world and it brings me great joy to see the little things in God's Creation that He created for our pleasure!

  6. You may remember the journey God took me through before C arrived. I know so many friends who are struggling with infertility, pregnancy loss, failed adoptions, delayed adoptions, and the like. My heart weeps and grieves for you all, knowing and understanding your longing. I struggled with whether or not I should write these last two "thankful" things because I know some of you read my blog. Please please know that my heart is still crying out to the Lord for your own prayers to be answered.

  7. Being able to be a mom. I do not take it lightly knowing that God has blessed me to be a mom right this minute of my life. Being a mom was a prayer of mine for so long and I am thankful daily for this gift He has entrusted to me.

  8. For the new life inside of me. I found out 8 weeks ago that I was pregnant with Baby #2. It was a complete shock as i was in a serious race training program, still nursing C, and without a cycle. I went into my fifth pregnancy with the same fear and trepidation as I did in the previous four. I thought i was through my worry and had learned how to put my complete faith in God that whatever would be would be. Not so. God continued to grow my faith in Him and encourage me with incredible women and family who prayed for me and babe #2. Thank you to THEM and thank you to God for protecting this baby through the first trimester and for allowing me to conceive without obsessing over it (one of my favorite things to do--obsesses, fret, worry and try to plan everything out in my own timing). God clearly had a plan and I am daily hourly thankful that He gave me this freedom to not fret about the when/where/how for Baby #2 but to rest in His perfect timing!

PS Sorry for the lack of pictures! We've had two (TWO) doctor's appointments today, my mother-in-law is in town and, as I said, it is her birthday so celebration #1 takes place today, and then we are planning like crazy for C's family party tomorrow. Woo hoo! Hope to update you with some fun celebration pics on the flipside, though!

13 people think...:

Ruthless said... 1


SUCH thrilling news!

Continued prayers and praises for your whole family! :)

Stefanie said... 2

Congratulations!! When is your due date??

Melissa G said... 3

Oh my goodness! I was just browsing through your facebook photos and admiring your pregnancy photos! You are one beautiful lady!

I'm so happy for you and will be praying for you and baby #2! Very exciting news! I'm glad I checked your blog before heading to bed! yay!

Kaitie said... 4

Congrats!! when are you due? are you still coming to portland?
happy birthday C!! :-)

Jennifer Groves said... 5

Oh, I am SO happy for you!!! I had a miscarriage before this baby, so I know that pain and fear very well! Even though I know our baby is waiting for us in heaven and we are very lucky to have an extra angel watching over us, it was VERY tough. God's plan is wonderful. I will definitely keep you both in my prayers! Congratulations!!!

Jess said... 6

Congrats again mama! I am so happy for you!

Michelle - Blessed Mom of 5 said... 7


Anonymous said... 8

Yay!!! Congratulations. Wonderful news.

Julia said... 9

SHUT UP!!!!! You are PG!!!!! Congratulations A!!! I just left you a VM...soooooo excited!

M.A. said... 10

Congratulations!!!!! Sooo excited for y'all!! Will be praying for a healthy baby :)

About Southern Belle said... 11

Congratulations, what wonderful news! When is your EDD? Who knows maybe our babies are due about the same time. The picture of your little one is just priceless...what a miracle!

Kathy said... 12

AAAHHHH!!!! I am soooo excited for you!!!

I am thankful for the amazing extended family that God has blessed you with and the way that they are rallying to your grandfather. What an amazing encouragement and testimony to his life.

A baby!! Yay!!!

BethyJ said... 13

congrats A and happy birthday C!