TodaysMama and Provo Craft are giving away a sleighful of gifts this holiday season and to enter I’m sharing this meme with you.
You should definitely enter, as well! Check out this amazing gift package:

- I'm going to start BIG: a "real" digital SLR camera so I can be like all the cool kids at i ❤ faces

- Sunglasses--the cheap kind--i always lose mine but i still need a pair!
- Clearly I lose a lot of things because i also lost my Garmin Forerunner (which i use for running, racing, and training). I'd actually love the Polar version of it, instead, so i could use it indoors as well.
- An iron. I'm not one of those girls who would be offended by a gift like this because our iron is deplorable and our clothes are the proof!
- Someone to move us into our new apartment. I don't want to pack and unpack and move! ugh...
- Well, technically, my daughter received it but she was so young that it felt like a gift to me! It was this gorgeously intricate and well-thought-out "busy book" that my twin made. She is so crafty!
- I'd love to learn how to make gorgeous baby booties and shoes to give as gifts to new moms.

4. What was the best Christmas gift you received as a child?
- This is such a tough question! Every year I wanted a puppy and I never got one...but one year I did get a HUGE Mutsy stuffed animal that I loved and still love!

5. What items are on your kid’s wish list this year?
- Cutie Face is so little that she doesn't have a wish list but she seems to be infatuated with Elmo (despite never watching him on TV she has an Elmo toothpaste tube that she loves!)

- She also loves playing with babies and being their mama so we are putting a baby crib and a baby feeding set, etc., on her wish list.
- Anything with cranberries and/or squash/sweet potatoes. I make a dish that incorporates all of that and it is my favorite thing to eat!
- That is a secret! My family reads this blog! Let's just say that I got a few ideas from this website...

8. What is your favorite holiday movie?
- I actually get annoyed by quite a few of the traditional movies that most people like. There is this one 1970's movie that my mom loves and that I really like, too. It is so sad but so sweet--The Gathering with Ed Asner and Maureen Stapleton

9. Favorite holiday song?
- I'll go traditional: O Come O Come Emmanuel (especially Bebo Norman's version!)
- I love decorating our tree and throwing a Christmas party. We used to do it every year when we lived in Boston but our apartment just isn't big enough to do that now that we live in Atlanta. Hopefully we can do it next year!

7 people think...:
Hey Monkey's Mama,....Happy Saturday! Good list of goodies. I hope you get what's on your list.
Snow is coming, might feel like Christmas here pretty soon. But first I just want to have Thanksgiving and figure out what I am making....and find out who is coming. (In-laws have to have their turns too!) (:>)
God is so Good and don't we all have so much to be thankful for?!!!
Linda @ Truthful Tidbits
your list was very fun to read! :)
I just entered! I saw a pic of that bike last month and fell in love with it (but not the cost of it). I'm sure I won't win, but it's worth a try!
wait does the last part of #1 mean that you have found a new apartment?
I love you blog and would love to do a giveaway on it. I have an etsy shop and think that this hat
would fit in great. Let me know if you are interested
Aw, you are so lovely, what a great list!!! :) Fingers crossed you get your DSLR! :) I can't wait to see the pics you'll produce with it! :)
Gosh if you ever learn to tackle making home made shoes I'd love to see your tutorial Tuesday on them!
Did you ever post a pic of the busy book your talented twin made? I'd love to see it!
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