First up is Judy from H & J Star Creations. Judy is a mom to two teenagers and one golden retriever. In all her "spare time" between being a Work-at-home-mom, Judy works part time at a social service non-profit.
She started Etsy as a way to use my fabric stash, but then discovered how much she like fabric, and just couldn't stop buying or making! (I definitely know how addictive that can be which is why I don't shop :) But, thankfully, Judy didn't stop because now we can all buy her fabulous creations on her Etsy store H & J Star Creations.
Everything she sells is incredibly beautiful AND affordable, especially considering how much time and effort each piece takes. Check out a few of my favorite items in H & J Star Creations

You can also find Nancy on her blog, My Heart and Mind.
Nancy likes to be creative and let the fabric speak to her about what it wants to be - a tablecloth, an apron, a comfroter, a pillow, etc.--the options are endless!

Heather first heard about Etsy after reading about it in a magazine--she was completely impressed with the idea of a site that only sold handmade items. Heather had already been making napkins for a year when she decided to join Etsy. She loves creating napkins; her favorite ones that she has made are the horses pattern napkin because of the colors and the contrasting sides.
Here are some of my favorites:
Gorgeous light blue + brown formal dinner napkins (large enough for making into cool napkin designs)

Phew! Did you get through all of that? Good! Because here comes the giveaway!
One lucky winner* will win:

- a Wine Bag from H & J Star Creations
- an apron of your choice from Custom Designs by Nancy
- and napkins of your choice (worth up to $15) from TableScapes Company
*the winner must have a USA or Canadian mailing address as we cannot ship internationally. Sorry!
from h and j I love the Pumpkin Dots Boxy Pouch Set.