Each month the women behind i ❤ faces take a week off from judging photos and give us participants a chance to share our story through photos.
This month they've themed their "off-week" as "Thankfulness".

i will start by saying that I am so thankful for Amazing Grace {that saved a wretch like me}! That one gift alone is enough to be thankful for but I am blessed by so many other things, too!
I am thankful that I have a whole list of blog posts on Thankfulness--if you are new here, i write a "Thankful Thursday" blog post every week. It keeps things in perspective and encourages me to be thankful for small and mighty things.
Despite keeping a weekly record of Thanks there are definitely a few that make the list every week.
And here are the next Top 10 things i'm continually thankful for:
I am thankful that I have a whole list of blog posts on Thankfulness--if you are new here, i write a "Thankful Thursday" blog post every week. It keeps things in perspective and encourages me to be thankful for small and mighty things.
Despite keeping a weekly record of Thanks there are definitely a few that make the list every week.
You already heard my #1
And here are the next Top 10 things i'm continually thankful for:
(taken 8 years ago!)
Cutie Face
(8 days old and off to church!)
Family {extended and immediate but, especially, my twin!}
(when we were itty bitty babes!)
(first marathon with the twin!)
God's beautiful creation
(rose gardens, Portland, OR)
Worshiping God with friends through Bible studies and church services
(Sweet friends at CBS Bible study)
(In Spain, pre-baby)
Blog connections and friends!

in front of a Candy store
Animals, particularly, Churchill and Margaret Thatcher {aka, Maggie}

Now I KNOW you all are thankful, too, so create your own thankful post and hop on over to i❤faces to share it with others!
Cutie Face

Family {extended and immediate but, especially, my twin!}


God's beautiful creation

Worshiping God with friends through Bible studies and church services


Blog connections and friends!


Animals, particularly, Churchill and Margaret Thatcher {aka, Maggie}

16 people think...:
Great post, and great pictures!! I love that you threw in fun ones like "candy"! A girl after my own heart :)
Cute picture of the kitties!!
Great list!!! All things I'm very thankful for too!!! (except for running, lol! I wish I was thankful for it..... ;) :D )
Wonderful things to be thankful for. Great pics.
Great things to be thankful for!
Such a good idea. I may have to jump right on this. After my nap!
I love the pic of you & J circa 2001...such fresh faces full of young love! Aren't you glad God blesses us with the ability to love deeper than we dreamed possible when we were first in love?!?
Love your list, and all of the pictures that go with it. And yes, certain things like "chocolate" and "coffee" have very important and high-up places on MY thankful list; I'm a much more loving person when I've had my caffeine for the day. You are truly blessed; wasn't it fun actually putting it in black and white (and color..)? Great post!
great photos! u still very much look the same 8 years ago :) thats what u get when u have a wonderful family :)
u may view mine if u have time
Your list is my favorite : ) Especially the cats. And you as a baby. And you in Spain. And you in front of the candy store.
You are so skinny. I am going to keep trying to love you anyway! : )
Aw how cute are you!??! Love those shots of you and J, too cute!!! :) And I just went running this morning at 530am for the first time in YEARS and I'm sore. Dead and sore. I don't know how you do it. :)
Beautiful post! I love that picture of you guys 8 years ago! And.. seriously.. that's what you looked like 8 days after you gave birth...
I love your list! I'm glad that you included things beyond the usual suspects. :)
I like your healthy lifestyle as I really love jogging but no time for that now.
Oh my goodness! Look how little Cutie Face was! Great pictures!
Love your list. I am also thankful for the same Amazing Grace that saved you...saved me too:) Great shots of your life!
There is much to be thankful for, not the least of which is God's grace -especially in allowing His creation the gift of parenthood. Thank you for sharing your "Thankful Thursdays" - it is a great reminder!
On another, perhaps more shallow note, Wow! I'm amazed- 8 days after bringing little C into the world, you have biceps to rival Dara Torres. All kidding aside, what's your secret? While I don't plan to have kids for a few years yet, I'm kinda freaking out (too early, I know) about staying in shape and running while preggers. (...And maybe a little paranoid about saggy triceps.)
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