Jessica Clay is the creative mastermind behind the gorgeous pieces of jewelery found in her new Etsy store Clay by Clay (started just two months ago!). Her store is creatively named Clay by Clay because she mainly works with metal and polymer clay. Jessica is a self taught artist but she loves learning from others online and taking classes when she can.
By day, Jessica is a lawyer but by night she is a crafter. After spending five years as an {overworked!} litigator, she decided she needed a change that would let her have a life outside work and to start a family. So Jessica changed jobs to work for a judge and started working on her jewelry in her new-found free time.
Jessica's inspiration comes mostly from the nature around her home in Minnesota. Despite living only a few miles from the interstate, Jessica and her husband regularly see deer, raccoons, rabbits, and fox. She says it is really strange seeing a group of deer crossing the street next to the gas station and a couple of blocks from the mall--I can't imagine!
Jessica loves working on simple earrings that can complement any outfit and can really be worn everyday. She also loves to make pieces texturized with real leaves from her neighborhood (although that will have to wait for awhile now that all the leaves have died!).

Want it right now? Buy it!
Jessica is offering free shipping for Monkeys on the Bed! readers from now until November 14. Make sure you shop Clay by Clay before her offer expires. Please mention "Monkeys on the Bed" in the notes to seller page and she'll refund your your shipping charges.
Mandatory first entry: Please visit Jessica's Etsy store, Clay by Clay, and pick out which earring set you'd choose if you won. You MUST leave a comment with your answer or none of your other entries will be valid.
The fine print:Want Extra Entries?
for each extra entry, please leave a separate comment. All extras are worth 1 entry each unless otherwise noted
for each extra entry, please leave a separate comment. All extras are worth 1 entry each unless otherwise noted
- Become a fan of Clay by Clay on Facebook
- Heart or Favorite Clay by Clay on Etsy
- Tweet about this giveaway (1x/day), referencing my account (@monkeysonthebed) and linking to the giveaway. You MUST leave me the URL for your tweet! For a fast tweet, feel free to use this message:
- Be a subscriber or PUBLIC follower (or both!) of Monkeys on the Bed!
- Subscribe to my email feed (<---see left column). You must CONFIRM your subscription for this entry to be valid--2 entries!
- Buy something from Clay by Clay (don't forget your free shipping!). 10 (yes TEN!) entries!
- Blog about this giveaway, linking to this giveaway AND to Clay by Clay 5 entries! Please leave me your URL linking to your blog post
This giveaway is open to the residents of the USA and Canada, aged 18 and older. The giveaway will end on Saturday, November 14. You must leave the mandatory comment before receiving extra entries. You must leave a way for me to contact you with each entry! I will draw a winner via a Random Integer Generator and announce the winner on this blog and email the winner as well. If the winner does not reply to me within 48 hours, I will draw a second winner. I reserve the right to delete your entry if you do not follow the rules listed above.
159 people think...:
The Mehndi Earrings with Citrine Drops are so pretty!
I'm a follower of your lovely blog!
So fun! And a Minnesotan. i love her already! :)
I love the Mehndi earrings, too, but the Chickadees take the cake, I think. We have them all over here and the boys love birdwatching!
I'm a follower, too!
PS Jealous that we don't have Einstein Bagel around here anymore...your morning visits there sound lovely!
I love the fine silver tree of life earrings. They are simple and beautiful. Love that :)
I am a follower -- as if you didn't know :)
I am a fan on FB
I am a confirmed subcriber!
I love her stuff, especially the tree of life earrings...my ear holes are closed up, but if I won I would get them pierced again for sure! :)
Here is my tweet for today
ok i have never entered one of your giveaways but here goes...kind of a toss up between the gorgeous silver leaf earrings and of course the bee ones...for obvious reasons
I love the copper tree of life earrings. I already have the silver chickadee earrings and adore them! I always get complements whenever I wear them,. What a talented artist!!!
I love the Elegant Textured Fine Silver Earrings --
your favorite cousin,
I'm a follower, too!
I love the copper leaf earrings.
qwaszx024 at gmail dot com
I follow
qwaszx024 at gmail dot com
Love the Copper Heart Earrings With Leaf texture-so pretty!
Elaine R
I like the Copper Heart Earrings with Leaf Texture. Lots of nice choices.
Thank you
silverneon2000 at yahoo dot com
A fan of Clay by Clay on Facebook= Londia Berk
silverneon2000 at yahoo dot com
Twitter follower=silverneon2000
and tweetedd
silverneon2000 at yahoo dot com
A subscriber & PUBLIC follower of Monkeys on the Bed
silverneon2000 at yahoo dot com
I love the copper leaf earrings. She is so talented!
Love the Fine Silver Tree of Life Earrings
I tweeted!http://twitter.com/FifthStreetMama/statuses/5571175908
I'd pick the fine silver leaf earrings.
pjkmitchell at hotmail dot com
LOVE THESE! And duh, of course i'm already a subscriber! :)
I would choose the Tree of Life earrings: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=32458100
urchiken at gmail dot com
I would choose the tree of life earrings, but I also love this:
I am following your blog!
i would pick the Fine Silver Chickadee Earrings!
I love the Fine Silver Earrings best!
Thank you for the giveaway :)
I heart Clay by Clay on Etsy - my username is Hurdler4eva
Thank you for the giveaway :)
My favorite are the Fine silver Leaf Earrings
I faved clay by clay on etsy
tweet! http://twitter.com/momof3munchkins/status/5609452792
I follow your blog
email subscriber #2
Awesome! Ohh if I won I would love the
Fine Silver Tree of Life Earrings
duhnellecarter [at] yahoo . com
What a wonderful shop!! I absolutely love all her earrings, but if I had to pick one pair, it would be these:
Faux Stone Cairn Earrings Polymer Clay
audreyscountrycrafts at gmail dot com
I'm a fan of Clay by Clay on facebook:
audrey friesen
audreyscountrycrafts at gmail dot com
Clay by Clay is a favorite on Etsy:
audreyscountrycrafts at gmail dot com
I twittered here:
audreyscountrycrafts at gmail dot com
I love the Fine silver Leaf Earrings, so those would be my pick!
Became a fan of Clay by Clay on Facebook
Tweeted here
I'm an email subscriber
entry 2
I absolutely love your work. My favorite in your shop would be the Bloom - Fine Silver Cherry Blossom Pendant.
cspmom at gmail dot com
I LOVE her Faux Stone Cairn Earrings Polymer Clay.
Thanks for the fun contest!
I love the Organic Mokume Gane Polymer earrings.
Here's my tweet: http://twitter.com/prizealert/status/5623533416
I like the organic Mokume Gane polymer clay earrings
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
I adore the Copper Leaf earrings.
pippirose59 at gmail dot com
I'm a follower of your blog.
pippirose59 at gmail dot com
I'm a fan on Facebook (under my name, Piroska)
pippirose59 at gmail dot com
I subscribe via email (and have confirmed it).
pippirose59 at gmail dot com
I hearted Clay by Clay on Etsy (my name there: pippirose59).
pippirose59 at gmail dot com
I'd buy the Copper Tree of Life earrings.
It was a tough choice between Chickadee and Silver Tree, but my pick is Chickadee.
Lovin the Fine Silver Acorn Earrings
I like the Mokume Gane Polymer Clay Earrings
I would choose the mehndi earrings with citrine drops.
chani.adams (at) gmail.com
Fine silver tree of life earrings...though I have to say, she has sooo many amazing pieces, several of which my family members would love!
elizabethglassturner (at) gmail (dot) com
I favorited Clay by Clay on Etsy!
elizabethglassturner (at) gmail (dot) com
I like the Fine Silver Bee Earrings
I am a Clay by Clay FB Fan
I added Clay by Clay to my Etsy Favorites
I'd like to win Fine silver Leaf Earrings.
I love the Little Chick - Copper Chickadee Pendant! Thanks for the chance to win.
I love the Fine Little Chickadee earrings in silver! So cute!
if i won would choose the fine silver chicadee earrings. they are so pretty!
i like the Elegant Textured Fine Silver Earrings at http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=32031682.
i think it's the prettiest and most elegant in the collection.
charm 32 @ y mail . com
If I won, I'd love to win the Chickadee earrings. They are just so stinkin adorable. I love them!
abigail.lee {at} gmail.com
i've become a fan in FB
charm 32 @ y mail . com
11/12 tweet by charm32 http://twitter.com/charm32/status/5650293180
2-Subscribed to email feed
charm 32@ y mail . com
1-blogged http://lifesacharm.net/blog/35391
2-blogged http://lifesacharm.net/blog/35391
3-blogged http://lifesacharm.net/blog/35391
4-blogged http://lifesacharm.net/blog/35391
5-blogged http://lifesacharm.net/blog/35391
I like the fine silver tree of life earrings- beautiful
blogged #1
blogged #2
blogged #3
blogged #4
blogged #5
I love the Fine Silver Tree of Life Earrings
love the Mokume Gane Polymer Clay Earrings
facebook fan of yours
favored on etsy
following on twitter and tweeted http://twitter.com/shopannies/status/5654325372
I am loving the Textured Silver Earrings! Thanks!
I tweeted!
E-mail subscriber #2
I would choose the Fine Silver Acorn Earrings at http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=32458815
I just became a follower of your blog.
Am I too late?
I love the Mokume Gane Polymer Clay earrings - thanks!
I'd pick the Fine silver Leaf Earrings. The detail in the leaf jewelery is amazing!
Daily tweet
silverneon2000 at yahoo dot com
My favorite item is the Copper Leaf Earrings
I'm a follower
I love the acorn silver earrings! I love the styles.
I like the summer branches earings and necklace set. Kbroderi@msn.com
I would choose the silver chickadee earrings.
xmeliss182x (at) yahoo (dot) com
I would for sure pick the Mehndi Earrings with Citrine Drop! Sooooo pretty!
staceywalk at gmail dot com
Fine Silver Chickadee Earrings are lovely.
I put Clay by Clay into my favorites on Etsy!
brownatural at gmail dot com
I would go with the Elegant Textured Fine Silver Earrings.
I hearted the shop on etsy (anne1456)
FB fan of Clay by Clay
I tweeted
I follow your blog on google friend connect
I'd choose the Fine Silver Chickadee Earrings.
I would choose the gorgeous pair of Copper Leaf Earrings! :)
Nury77 at live dot ca
I am a fan of clay by clay on facebook.
Nury77 at live dot ca
I hearted clay by clay on etsy, my etsy name is daer0n [with a zero].
Nury77 at live dot ca
I tweeted:
Nury77 at live dot ca
I am a public follower and confirmed subscriber of your blog :)
Nury77 at live dot ca
I subscribe via email and comfirmed my subscription.
Nury77 at live dot ca
I subscribe via email and comfirmed my subscription.
Nury77 at live dot ca
I blogged:
Nury77 at live dot ca
I blogged:
Nury77 at live dot ca
I blogged:
Nury77 at live dot ca
I blogged:
Nury77 at live dot ca
I blogged:
Nury77 at live dot ca
If I won, I would get the Fine Silver Chickadee Earrings for my wife.
nynekats at aol dot com
favorited her site on Etsy as RePurrPussed
nynekats at aol dot com
following your blog
nynekats at aol dot com
Fine Silver Tree of Life Earrings are what I would choose.
one 4 earth at aol dot com
I added her to my favorites on Etsy in my FotoMacro account!
one 4 earth at aol dot com
I fanned her on facebook as Tofu Fairy.
one 4 earth at aol dot com
I follow your blog.
one 4 earth at aol dot com
/13 tweet http://twitter.com/charm32/status/5693626062
I love the Tree of Life Earrings and the Copper Leaf Earrings!
shrimpsaladcircus at gmail dot com
Love thee fine silver 'Tree of life' earrings, and my FAV item is the Copper wings necklace!!!! So many pretty, pretty things :)
I'm a brand-new follower of your blog :)
Great giveaway, thanks!
I'm a subscriber - ClaybyClay's feed so I can (maybe) purchase something @ a later date.....
I'm a brand-new subscriber to your blog -- great giveaway! Thanks....
I would pick the Fine Silver Chickadee Earrings.
I hearted. My Etsy name is ksh123
I'm a follower.
I would definitely choose the chicadee earrings- they're adorable!
My favorite is the Copper Tree of Life Earrings
I like the
Fine Silver Tree of Life Earrings.
jswandrn at gmail
The Bird Nest Earrings in Polymer Clay, would be my choice. they are fabulous!
I would choose the Mehndi Earrings with Citrine Drops. Thanks!
lmarston AT yahoo DOT com
lmarston AT yahoo DOT com
I'm an email subscriber.
lmarston AT yahoo DOT com
I'm an email subscriber. Entry #2
lmarston AT yahoo DOT com
I follow your blog publicly. (Laureen Marston-Hindi)
lmarston AT yahoo DOT com
I love the Copper Heart Earrings with Leaf Texture. Thank you.
I'm a new public follower on Google Friends Connect. Thank you.
My fave earings are the Copper Leaf Earrings- so pretty.
I follow your blog- love it!
11/14 tweet by charn32
I like the silver acorn earrings.
the little chicadee earrings are so cute!!
thesweetestpetunia AT gmail DOT com
Daily tweet
silverneon2000 at yahoo dot com
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