So, my one follower--you already know all about me. To the rest of you who happen upon this may want to know who you are reading about. But maybe you don't and you just like blogstalking people like me. Either way, here are a few tidbits about myself that might make my blog make sense:
1) I like lists. This is my second post and I am already 2/2 on lists. Woo hoo.
enough about that.
2) I am a Christian. I was raised in a wonderful Christian family. I've had my share of struggles but God's grace is overwhelming and He always brings me back. He has blessed me beyond measure and am daily thankful for his mercy and grace.
3) I am a "Doer". I, like everyone in the world, am unworthy of God's love and I often try to gain it by "doing" things to earn His favor. No. Can. Do. It is a daily battle for me to just "be", know that I cannot "do" anything to make myself more pleasing in His eyes. This "doer" attitude extends into many many outlets of my life and I'm sure you'll see it manifest itself 1000 times over throughout my blogging career.
4) I love my husband. Let's just call him "J". He is amazing. We met at a small college, he was my first boyfriend (aww) and we got married right after graduation. I'd be lost without him. He makes me laugh and loves me despite my many fumbles as a wife!
5) I am a twin. This is crucial. She is one half of me, pretty much, (but, no, we aren't identical) and I'd really be lost without her. She is my memory keeper. If you don't know her, you can't know me.
6) I have a daughter. And I'm going to call her "C" When I first found out I was pregnant, I wanted her to be a twin. When I found out it was only one, I wanted her to be a boy. Now I'm happier than anything that she is just one and she is a...well...a "she". I can't imagine anything else. Every day with her gets better and better. It is truly amazing to watch her life unfold.
7) I can't wait to give her another sibling. Then another and then another. I'd love to have four and I'd love to adopt twins, too. We'll see about that.
8) I am so blessed to have tons of family members. I have 16 cousins, 3 of my grandparents are still living, and my aunts and uncles are an active part of our life.
9) I love love love to run. It is my one talent. I hope to use it to honor God and give Him the glory in my ability. Motherhood and injuries have put a temporary standstill on it but I'm trusting God to heal and to allow me to return to running in His own time.
10) I am super frugal. I'd like to say that I started Cloth Diapering because its good for the environment or good for C's little bum but, really, it's because it saves us lots of money. And then because of the other two aforementioned reasons. Those are good, too.
11) I wish I had more time during the day. As it is, I stay up until 11 or 12 just dreaming about the crafty things I could make, reading about the people in Blogland that I've never met, and searching the internet for who-knows-what.
12) I hate to miss out on anything. Hence #11.
13) I'm not superstitious which is why I can have a #13. But really, I'm all out of stuff to say (phew!).
4 weeks ago
7 people think...:
a - i disagree with #9 - you have so many talents, and i am blessed to call you friend...
I agree with your friends, God doesn't usually give us only one talent, lol. Thank you for your comment, isn't CDing great, the savings motivated me too and now I'm hooked! It makes me feel like I'm being more careful with what God provides. Blessings!
I love how you declare you are Christian and you speak about God so openly.
I'm in awe over twins. I have loved watching them all my life - identical or fraternal. There are two lovely elderly ladies who walk along the same path I do. They always stop to see my son and I get a chance to gaze at their likenesses - I love it.
I love that you use cloth diapers because I adore them.
Thanks for the comment on my birthday pic! :) Love reading this 'about you' post and can totally relate to a lot of your 'list'. (and I ditto you on the cloth diapers sentiment!! LOL!)
I'm just now reading this post while blog surfing through your blog--we started CDing for the same reason--it saves a lot!
I'm just like you with regard to #11 and #12!
Hi! So nice to "meet" you! Thanks for commenting on my Titus 2 post! I can't wait to read more of your blog!!
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