Sunday, August 7, 2011
long absence, huge request
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Giveaway Winner...and thoughts
Congratulations to the 12th survey respondent, Katie C.! I'll be contacting you shortly about a hat!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Monkeys on the Bed! Redux
- My new camera is giving me lots of great images to enter into iheartfaces (Monday);
- Sewing, photography, and baking, are putting lots of Tutorial Tuesday ideas in my head;
- Being involved with another Beth Moore Bible Study gives me incredible inspiration for Word of God Wednesday;
- Thankful...doesn't even begin to cut it--overflowing with thanks for Thankful Thursday;
- Friday--well I just love giveaways and finding fabulous items online to share with you on Fabulous Friday
Friday, January 1, 2010
A Fond Friday Farewell
I have so very much loved getting to know you all through your sweet and thoughtful comments on my posts.
I have also loved writing my various daily themed posts like Word of God Wednesday and Thankful Thursday. And Tutorial Tuesday has definitely pushed me beyond my usual crafty-self to be more creative!
Sadly, this blog has also consumed my life at times and taken time away from Cutie Face and J. I have even prioritized writing a blog post over doing daily Bible devotions and quiet times.
I wish I could carry on with this blog but I really want to refocus my priorities in 2010 and I think it needs to begin with being online less.
I've also started a 365-day picture journal blog called "Picture a Year". Nothing exciting at all--just a place to record a moment of our day for one year.
I welcome you to check both of those blogs out and continue to be a part of our small little world. I also promise not to neglect YOU, my faithful readers--I'll still be keeping tabs on you :)
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Thankful Thursday: 2009!
So this week I'm thankful for:
3. Fun times with Aunts, Uncles, and Cousins (we have five cousins that are down here celebrating Christmas and New Year's Eve with us)
4. A great Christmas celebrating the birth of our savior and watching Cutie Face open presents
5. Wonderful weather in Florida!
6. Less than 43 days left with this pregnancy! I'm very excited by that and very thankful, too!
7. That the USPS delivered J's mom's Christmas package ON CHRISTMAS DAY. Yes, you read that right--they were delayed due to a lot of snow but spent their CHRISTMAS Friday morning delivering packages to people. WOW. that is impressive.
We celebrated Cutie Face's 5th month by starting to use cloth diapers--I'm very thankful that we use them and save money, waste, and (usually) no diaper rash!

Thankful to have many family members to see our pastor baptize Cutie Face

I'm thankful that I started this blog (!) in february--I've met so many incredible people thanks to it!
Thankful for an extra visit to see my grandparents in Florida--this was pre-brain cancer diagnosis

So thankful for my sweet niece--Lil Miss--who turned 1
Cutie Face let us know that she was a good teether--what a blessing!

We were able to visit my Grandpa again! I will be ever thankful that we had this time with him

We also visited J's mom in Hillsdale and are grateful for that extra time with her!

Wrapped up a wonderful year at CBS (Community Bible Study) I'm so thankfu for all that I learned from these ladies and the book of Genesis

Thankful and shocked that I found out I was pregnant!

Ever thankful for our marriage--we celebrated 6 years of marriage on the 2nd

Felt incredibly blessed by the first year of Cutie Face's life
Very thankful for the time spent with my grandpa before he passed in the middle of the month

We were so happy to be able to spend time with Uncle Noah and old college friends in Oregon

Enjoyed a trip to Hillsdale for Homecoming and to visit J's mom
We celebrated Thanksgiving with many members of my family which was wonderful!
Sweet Pea arrived on the very last day of the month!
We had a fantastic family Christmas celebration
Soooo thankful we found a wonderful HOUSE to rent (can you tell how excited I am about the extra space?)
it is now past midnight so I'm going to wish you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR! May 2010 be equally full of thanksgivings for you!
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
W.o.G Wednesday: 2 Corinthians 5:17
In honor of the NEW year that is quickly approaching, I wanted to leave you with one of my favorite verses...
2 Corinthians 5:17Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!
The amazing thing is, we, as Christians, can be viewed as "new creations" by our God and Creator TODAY, many many days after we were first born into this world.
Of course, no one is perfect--not even one (Romans 3:10-12) but, through our belief in Jesus, we, as Christians are assured that God's mercies will be new every morning (Lamentations 3:22-23)
Lamentations 3:22-23
Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed,
for his compassions never fail.They are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Tutorial Tuesday: Making New Year's Resolutions

2) Jot down all the things you are happy you accomplished in 2009. Maybe you lost weight, found a new job, started a blog, journaled every day, became more fit, etc.
3) Write down all the things you WISH you had accomplished in 2009 or maybe things you regretted doing (2009 NYE resolutions that didn't quite make it, fitness goals you didn't reach, bad habits you started, etc.)
4) Analyze and compare your two lists. Does anything overlap? Do you see that something in list #2 hindered you from accomplishing something in list #1? For example, maybe you wanted to get better sleep and exercise more frequently BUT you failed to get more rest so your ability/energy to workout was diminished. Feel free to circle and draw lines! I love making correlations
5) Look again at your two lists. Do you want to carry any resolutions over to 2010?
6) Add new goals to your 2010 Resolution list.
Keep in mind the following:7) Make your 2010 resolutions and goals visible. Print them out and place them on your fridge, your cubicle at work. Download them to your phone. Post them to your blog. Ask a trusted friend/spouse/relative/etc. to hold you accountable.
- Be realistic!
- Example: If you want to get more sleep but just had or are expecting a new baby, this goal will most likely not be met!
- Think about what will aid in accomplishing your goal--maybe these aids should be the first resolutions you make!
- Example: If you want to eat healthier this year, start by making a resolution to not buy junk food or to take a nutritional class, etc.
- Think about what will hinder your resolution.
- Example: If you want to boost your blog readership but don't have time to devote writing new posts, etc., perhaps time management or something else should be the primary resolution.
- Do you have a certain time limit for these goals to be reached?
- Example: You want to lose 2lbs a month or drop 1-minute off your 10k time in 6-months.
- If you have a BIG resolution, it really helps to break the resolution into mini-goals (especially monthly goals)
- Example: You just received a new sewing machine but haven't ever sewed before! Despite that fact, you aspire to sew a quilt in 2010. In January, you should practice sewing, in February, you should take a class on beginning sewing, in March you should pick out fabrics, in April you should take a class on quilting, in May you should start working on your quilt, in August you should be half-way done and in November you should be finished
- Life happens!!! There could be sudden changes to your family dynamic--someone could be born, someone could move away, someone could lose a job or take one on with more hours. You name it, it could happen so be prepared to be flexible!!! These should be considered more as goals than as things you are "resolving to do from this day forward"
Here is what I came up with:
I have two main goals for 2010:
1) To read through the Bible
2) To become a more accomplished photographer(i'd also like to run a sub 3-hour marathon in 2010 but that depends on a lot of things and we'll get to that after Babette #2 is born!)
In order to achieve these goals I have several "sub-goals":
1) To read through the Bible I'd like to:
- read it every day by using my 365-day Bible
Knowing that I am more likely to read my Bible in the morning...
- I resolve to go to bed earlier! That way I can wake up refreshed and ready to read the Bible before Cutie Face wakes up.
Knowing that I'm easily distracted, I need to resolve to avoid reading a blog or checking my email before I read my
- I resolve to keep my computer turned off until I have accomplished my daily reading goal!
- Take a photo every day for a year--a 365-Project to showcase how I grow in my photography skills (okay--hopefully i'll develop new skills and you'll see a difference in January 2011!)
- To be held accountable, I resolve to make a 365-Picture blog!
- I will also sign up and take an online photo class
Sunday, December 27, 2009
i ❤ faces: Outtakes

In honor of their birthday that is coming up, they wanted to make this week all about F-U-N photos...typically deemed "outtakes" these are photos that are just funny or humorous or just make you smile.
Here are mine in chronological order...I didn't have to go too far back to get some of my favorites...though, I'm sure if I did, I'd find some priceless ones of Cutie Face!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Thankful Thursday: Christmas Edition
But! We have so many blessings from Him to be thankful for, too, that I didn't want to leave these out:
2) We are going to rent a house! We finalized it on Sunday. I'm soooo thankful that we have a place to move to in 2.5 weeks!

3) A safe 10-hour drive from Atlanta to Florida with two cats and a toddler!
4) Kitty cats to occupy our children...
5) A beautiful home lit up with love and light and life...from the inside out!
6) A sweet niece to remind me and J of what is to come and prepare Cutie Face for life with a newborn (She loves it)
7) a Wonderful pre-Christmas celebration with J's dad and step-mom. We loved seeing them and Cutie Face really bonded with them (and still keeps asking for Papa!)
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
W.o.G. Wednesday: Isaiah 9:1-7
Here is one of my favorite parts (12):
Isaiah 9:1-7
To Us a Child Is Born
The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death; a light has dawned.
You have enlarged the nation and increased their joy; they rejoice before you as people rejoice at the harvest, as men rejoice when dividing the plunder.
For as in the day of Midian's defeat, you have shattered the yoke that burdens them, the bar across their shoulders, the rod of their oppressor.
Every warrior's boot used in battle and every garment rolled in blood will be destined for burning, will be fuel for the fire.
For to us a child is born,
to us a son is given,
and the government will be on his shoulders.
And he will be called
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.Of the increase of his government and peace
there will be no end.
He will reign on David's throne
and over his kingdom,
establishing and upholding it
with justice and righteousness
from that time on and forever.
The zeal of the LORD Almighty
will accomplish this.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Tutorial Tuesday: Easy Stocking Stuffer (personalized beanbags!)

This is a super easy tutorial if you have a sewing machine. If you don't have a sewing machine it will take you longer but it is totally doable.
- Fabric--I used 4 different fabrics to give Cutie Face some variety...maybe she can even learn how to match them (more educational uses every time I think about it!)
- Sewing Machine (or needle and thread)
- Beans (BAKED--you don't want your beans to sprout or get moldy so make sure you BAKE them on low for about 20 minutes)
- Something to personalize your beanbags with. I used an applique on the letter/name side but felt it was a bit too time consuming so I used a permanent marker for the number sides
2) Personalize each side (or one side or NO sides). Make sure you do this before you do any sewing!
3) Once your fabric squares are ready, match them to each other (for example, Cutie Face's name starts with a "C" so I matched the "C" and "1" fabric squares). Put the "good" side of the fabric squares together, on the inside
9) Pour the beans into the beanbag. Make sure that you don't fill it too high--you need to be able to sew it closed!
10) Fold the opening of the hole under and sew it closed.
12) Repeat steps 1-10 until you've made all your beanbags:
Friday, December 18, 2009
CLOSED: Fab Friday Giveaway: Life Verse Design

At the time, Julie was going through Beth Moore's fruit of the Spirit study & thus memorizing the fruit of the Spirit (which her pregnant brain could not even handle) so, one day while brushing her teeth and looking at her index card, she asked herself, "why am i not designing these cards since i am a designer?!" Voila! a new idea was born!

Life Verse Design began as a simple act of worship between Julie and God. She not only found a new way to use her creative gift but Julie also found that creating these cards helped her hide His Word in her heart. What a great way to glorify God!

Outside of Etsy, Julie's first love is being a wife and mom, She says, "I have the best hubby in the world & love spending any moment with him. Ialso have the most adorable kiddos, with whom I love to be outside. We love the zoo, the arboretum, and going on the train into Chicago."
Some of you, my readers, may have heard the BIG titles that she has worked on: the Left Behind series by Tim LaHaye & Jerry B. Jenkins (creating books 4-12), Bringing Up Boys by Dr. Dobson (and she just finished Bringing up Girls!).

However, Julie's all time project was designing The Jesus Storybook Bible <--that is the Bible that our church uses in Sunday School. It is GREAT!
ordered 4