Wow! I actually stayed awake last night trying hard to remember all the things I am thankful for. It could go on and on and on and...well, on.
Since practically everyone in the blog world is doing a Thankful Thursday post today, I don't want to bog down your blog reader with more but I also want to remember the simple things I was thankful for this week...
1. To see my grandma again, the first time since my grandpa's funeral
2. For being able to run well and long this far into my pregnancy
3. To see LOTS and lots of family (a few that I haven't seen in a long time!) {side note: i am sad that we did not get to share Thanksgiving with J's side of the family this year. That was a bummer. Thankfully, we have plans to see them soon, though!)
4. My husband's incredibly strong work ethic
5. That my twin is going to be a mom for a second time in a week or less! YAY! I can't wait to meet my new niece!
6. For a great meal today.
7. For FREE COFFEE from Waffle House today for all of us volunteer crew members at the start Atlanta Track Club Half Marathon. With 38 degree temperatures and a 3:50 AM wake-up alarm, that coffee was never more welcomed! Seriously the best coffee of my life.
8. For good Christian friends in bloggy land that encourage me with their posts every day!
9. For a sweet sweet sweet girl who loves on everyone and thinks life is hilarious (most of the time)
11. For neighbors and church friends who continue to generously let us drop Cutie Face off at their house for a snooze while J and I head off to date night. We (and our marriage) are FOREVER INDEBTED to them for that time we get.
12. That the pie tin "lid" that I thought was a "genius" solution for keeping the mashed potatoes warm finally came off of the pot after the men worked tirelessly to free it!
13. For all of the great giveaways that generous Etsyians are offering on my blog and on many other blogs. So generous!
And finally, and this is a big one that I don't write about enough!
14. For all of YOU, my blog readers, who are the motivating factor behind EACH post...if it weren't for you, I'd quit this blog today! So thanks for keeping me going!!!
4 people think...:
Looks like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! :)
So glad you had such a wonderful Thanksgiving. I love your thankfuls this week. Although we celebrated in Canada what seems like forever ago already. I am so thankful to be back in the computer world so I can catch up all of my bloggy friends lives. Glad to be back and hear things are going well with you!
Happy Thanksgiving! Looks like a wonderful day. You (and your family) are definitely part of our "dear friends" in our thankful list.
Random question: is C wearing an eating smock in that picture? It looks like it covers the arms... If so, where did you get it? My munchkins are terribly messy eaters, and I cannot keep their clothing clean with the bibs I have...
What a wonderful post! I am so thankful for you. You inspire me in so many ways! You are a blessing!
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