I Heart Faces Tutorial WoG Wednesdays Thankful Giveaways

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Tutorial Tuesday: You-Tell-Me: Carseats!

I had so much fun reading your tips on my crib-to-bed Tutorial Tuesday post last month that I thought I'd try it again!

This week, I want to know:

When did you switch your child from a rear-facing car seat to a front-facing car seat?

I'll start: J and I are planning on keeping little Monkey REAR facing until she is two...for right now. At 1-year, she is pretty big for her age (99% for height and 25 lbs!) so she definitely qualifies for forward-facing but we've read some things that seem to imply that rear-facing is the way to go for as long as possible.

What do you think? Does your child love to face forward? Do you think it is better to keep their legs a little squished when rear-facing because you think it is safer? If you don't have a child old enough/heavy enough to forward-face, what do you plan on doing when the time comes?

Can't wait to hear what y'all think!

16 people think...:

Mylinda said...

So appropriate for me right now! I have a 9 month old who I just switched this weekend to forward facing due to height/ weight. His feet were crammed into the back of the seat. I am driving around like a grandma because I'm so nervous about his neck strength and stability in a crash. I'd like to hear other people's input on this. PLease don't judge me! Advice only please!

Amy D said...

I think we switched when Audrey was about 13 - 14 mo. She was just so unhappy all the time facing backward and she was just within the weight for facing forward. She is much happier now and way to big for rear facing seat.

Mrs. McFadden said...

We switched Mr. C over at 14 months because he was tall enough and weighed enough. He loves facing forward and was not very happy facing backwards. He weighs 28 and is a very tall little fellow. His little legs would be way too squished if he was still rear facing. :0) I think you are making the best decision for your situation. You're a good mommy.

Stylist A said...

Wow... I was just talking about this to a friend of mine. My little one is 9 months and I was planning on putting her facing forward once she turned 1 year old... but then I started seeing those videos and stuff and it kind of scared me. I think that keeping them facing backwards for as long as you can is the best thing to do. Right now my little one hates facing back but I know it is only better for her own good. :)

~ Alysha

Natalie said...

I read a carseat safety post about people switching their little ones to forward facing WAY too soon. From what I read The only child I have at the moment that should be forward facing is my 50 lbs 4 year old. The post showed a four year old sitting comfortably rear facing! I will admit I think that is a bit too long. Our 2 year old is currently forward facing at 28 lbs, but I think I will keep our 9 month old rear facing until well after she is one. There were videos attached to the post showing the impact in the child in an accident and how the child's little neck is much better supported when in the rear facing position. You can check out the post here http://www.mycharmingkids.net/2008/05/car-seat-safety.html if you like. From experience I know I have probably made the decision to switch them and just may have rushed it a little by the carseat guidelines -- who knew it went a lot further than that! I don't know how we are expected to know these things as parents. Who do you turn to and who do you trust?

Mylinda said...

Thanks for the insights guys! I went out at lunch to swap it to rear facing, just cause I'm so freaked out, but it looks like I'll nead to buy a new one. This is supposed to be convertible, but the adjustment for the harness is in the front, so if you reverse it, it's crammed into the seat where you can't get to it. Also on the car seat it says rear facing only 20 lbs or less. Bottom line is if my gut doesn't feel good about this, I'm better off rear facing him. THanks again!

Amy said...

We just switched our son at 16.5 months. He is tall and was pretty miserable rear facing. It seems like all of my friends switched right at a year and 20 pounds, so we went longer than most. Our carseat can rear face until 35 pounds, but he weighs about 26.

Hannah said...

I switched at a year. Earlier than I probably would have except Nathan HATED being rear facing and screamed every car ride. I hope the benefit of not being distracted by a screaming child outweighed the risk.

James is fine rear facing so I probably won't switch him til 2.

heidik said...

I switched my son to forward facing at 13 months because he was so tall. Car rides were not much fun anymore and now he loves sitting in his seat! Definitely makes long distance traveling a lot easier.

Amber said...

I switched my son around right at year. I thought I would wait a little bit longer, but just felt so bad for his squished little legs in the back of the seat. He was only in the 50th percentile, but still seemed to be squished. I called AAA in my town and she said that it was okay for them to sit that way, but after talking to his pediatrician, I turned him around. He loves it and is learning a lot of words because I can point things out to him will we're out and about. I'll say this, it is totally your preference, I was a totally by the book person all through my pregnancy and first year. I'm still somewhat one, but have learned that there's a little budge to the rules.

Portia said...

We switched Eden right around a year. She was there by weight, and we were to the point of having to wrestle her into the carseat. No fun! She hated the car. Once we switched she was MUCH happier. If your little monkey is fine rear-facing and you're more comfortable with that, keep doing it!

A Psych Mommy said...

My son is almost a year now (gulp--it's only 8 days away!) Anyhow, we switched from an infant seat to a convertable just recently because he outgrew it. He's still rear facing though and we plan on keeping him rear facing as long as he meets the weight requirement for it (for us that's 35 lbs)

Kathy said...

This is a tough one. I ahve five chidlren adn switched my frist four around around 13 months. We have tall babies (Im 5'8 1/2,hubby is 6'3") their legs were really scrunched...my littlest guy really is little. He is 14 months but he only weighs 18 pounds. I haev him facing forward but am wondering..........

Dana said...
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Kaiya said...

I am pretty happy to have you on the car seats safety side. It's nice to see such great and useful responses. I really enjoyed and learned a lot from all these responses.

Anonymous said...

I switched my Daughter at a year. For #2 I plan on keeping "it" rear facing as long as possible...plus then they can look at each other.