I Heart Faces Tutorial WoG Wednesdays Thankful Giveaways

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

W.o.G. Wednesday: Isaiah 55:8-9

{first, a little housekeeping: See what I get for thinking ahead and planning in advance? This is the second time in a row that I've scheduled a post on the WRONG DAY! UGH. I'm so sorry. I hope I haven't annoyed you too much...}

Isaiah 55:8-9

8 "For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,"
declares the LORD.

9 "As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.

My family and I have found ourselves asking "Why this way?" while we are with my grandpa in his last days. {Quick catch up: my grandpa entered hospice on Monday and we have been in Florida since then to be with him, support my grandma, and be a help to my mom and her siblings.}

According to our theories and thoughts, my grandpa entered hospice much too early due to a series of unfortunate mistakes and errors.

But, the crazy thing that we have to comprehend is that these plans that are unfolding are God's plans and many times we can only place our trust in Him, knowing that He is a Good God with a purpose and a plan for each of us.

In God's perfect timing, Randy Alcorn's question of the week on his blog is "Why does God take some people when they are so young?" Well, quite obviously, my grandpa is NOT young. But Randy addresses the passing of older people, too:
"Our loved ones, as they age and weaken, have not passed their peak, as the world imagines. They have yet to reach their peak. And if a peak is ever reached in the next world (I doubt it will be), there will never be a subsequent decline. The thrill of being in the presence of Christ will never wear off, and the adventures ahead of us will always be better than the ones behind. Our God offers not the end of longing, but the continual fulfillment of it—infinite joy and gratitude to the One who did it all for us. Our believing loved ones, whether parents or children or spouses or friends, will be there to greet us, likely eager to show us some favorite places. For those who know the grace of Jesus, the ultimate reunion awaits us."

There are so many other ways to apply this verse (hooray for the LIVING Word of God that can challenge and encourage us continually) but it is most meaningful to me right now knowing that my thoughts and ways of wishing things were different will never compare to God's BEST ways

PS Look for some pictures tomorrow in my Thankful Thursday post!

3 people think...:

The Newly Mrs. said... 1

i'm praying for you guys. send your family my love. xoxox

Anonymous said... 2

praying for you! I know it is probably really hard for y'all. It is hard to trust that God's plans are so much better than our plans sometimes and we don't know His ways or His reasons. it all focuses on trust, definitely something I am dealing with right now.

About Southern Belle said... 3

Just wanted to say I am praying for you. I remember days similar with my Grandma, they were long and tear filled, but Jesus walked with us all through them all, He is walking with you too.