Whoa. Baby C is now closer to being one than she is to being...zero...not quite the numeral term I was going for but it works.
Her big 7-month day started with church--bright and early for daylight saving's time! When I am in charge of the nursery, I bring her portable crib (made by Phil and Ted's) and try to get her to go to sleep. I know that Sunday naps are usually a wash but it is worth a try. This time I put some drapes I found in the closet over her crib. It worked--for about 20 minutes. I finally let her get out and "play" (aka, sit).
Then we went to Trader Joe's where C sampled the water:
***Reason 1001 why I LOVE TJ's--when asked how old she was by our checkout clerk, I replied, "she is 7-months old today". He promptly left his line and came back with a bouquet of roses! How sweet! LOVE TJ's.***
(Note: I wanted to snap a picture of the nice cashier who gave them to her but I thought that bordered a bit on the obsessive level so I passed. I did get one of her in the parking lot with her flowers, though)
After another nap attempt, C got to try more finger food--Tofu and Rice Cakes (also from the TJ--as we say it, phoenetically spelled the Teage)
Then J and I ran to the BIG park with the Baby Jogger (and of course, C. We would of looked ridiculous without her). It was hopping--crazy amount of people. We had to stand in line for C to use the baby swing! Good times.
We also celebrated Daylight Saving's Time by getting a free shot of espresso at Caribou Coffee--if you missed this incredibly nice offer, go there tomorrow--they are offering a free espresso shot all day Monday, too!
4 weeks ago
3 people think...:
Happy birthday to Baby C! I can't believe she is 7 months already. I know what you mean about Sunday naps--our little boy loves going to church but it really messes up his nap schedule for the day.
That is so sweet about TJs and the flowers! I'm jealous...the closest one to us is outside Detroit...NOT close. :( Boo. I'll just have to stock up when I go to OH and GA. Happy Birthday, Baby C!
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