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Saturday, February 14, 2009

The joys of solid food

I've been wanting to post on babyfood since I started this blog. Who knew that I'd become so obsessed with it? I LOVE solids. It really is fun!

My twin has a daughter, R, that is 5 months older than C. She started baby R on solids at exactly 6 months. After trying Earth's Best Organic Rice Cereal for a few days, she started reading Super Baby Food and implementing the ideas and recipes found in that book. I was intrigued. Who knew you could feed your baby millet and brewer's yeast? For Christmas, the twin gifted me with the Super Baby Food Book and two freezer food trays shown here:C started showing an interest in our food in the beginning of January so, on the 18th, I decided to start her a few weeks shy of her half year celebration. I didn't want to start her on grains so i decided to try sweet potatoes. After the first reaction of solids on her tongue:

she became voracious and acted like she'd been starved for the past 5.5 months. Its been smooth sailing ever since. She LOVES her solids and will sit in her booster chair and just kick those little legs when she sees the spoon coming. It is really quite hilarious. She now eats with gusto peas, carrots, butternut squash, green beans, avocado, bananas, apples and millet. (What is millet? I asked that, too! Millet is a grain that is more digestible than rice and just as good for you.)

Of course, with solids, you need to drink water, too! Here is a pic of her meeting her new friend the sippy cup:

I now put Rooibos Tea in her sippy. If you've read that post you know she gulps that down faster than lightening. I actually have to watch her intake because she can't drink too much or it would dilute her poor system!

A few of the blogs that I love to read have some great information on starting solids or using the Super Baby Food book. Check it out:

Baby Wise Mom


Passionate Homemaking

And don't forget to enter my giveaway!

Please note: I was not compensated for this review. This review is based on my own opinion. I love this babyfood book so much that i just wanted to share!

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