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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

W.o.G. Wednesday: Psalm 62:1-2

{Small, slightly irrelevant tidbit about my life: I help my pastors put together the weekly newsletter that goes out to our congregation. This means that I get to see and work with all the fun and new announcements.}

Our pastors always do a "lead-in" with an encouraging comment or a verse. This week's verse that was featured on our email newsletter was Psalm 62: 1, 2


Psalm 62:1-2

Here is the New International Version. My main Bible uses this translation so it is usually my go-to:

My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken.

Sometimes I check The Message version of the passage. The Message uses modern vernacular in its translation and I often like it for the Psalms.

God, the one and only— I'll wait as long as he says.
Everything I need comes from him, so why not?
He's solid rock under my feet,
breathing room for my soul,
An impregnable castle:
I'm set for life.
Confession: I am a "Yes" girl. I don't know how to say "No".

Granted, I've gotten TONS better with learning how to not get too over-involved but, as it stands right now, I participate in numerous activities through church, my Sorority, my Track Team, and Monkey's neighborhood playgroup. Not to mention family and extended family obligations.

Okay I'm whining. Yes, many people participate in all that and more. And up until this second pregnancy, i was able to handle it. But this new baby is wiping me out! If I'm tired, everything seems impossible.

So, really, maybe a few nights of good sleep would snap me back into performance mode.

But I don't know if I want that. I miss being able to take time to just REST in my God and my Saviour. As the psalmist says, with Him as my Fortress and my Rock, I will never be shaken. As long as I am RESTING in Him through devotions, quiet time, and prayer, I can find all the strength I need to accomplish all the tasks He calls me to take on.

Right now, I'm feeling called to rest and be replenished by God's strength alone. How great is that promise found in the Message translation:

He's solid rock under my feet,
breathing room for my soul,

Okay! I've turned this post into "Dear Diary" drama so I'll turn it over to you:

Do you have any thoughts on this passage? I'd love to hear them!

2 people think...:

Anonymous said... 1

I love that psalm! Just gives me so much comfort!

Penelope Writes said... 2

yay for gentle revelations! i often comment on how the Lord "forces" me to lie down in green pastures beside still waters because I won't do it on my own. Hence, I'll get a whopping migraine - or a flu - or a pregnancy (a delightful sort of medical diagnosis :) that will force me into bed, doing nothing, pondering Him. BEING STILL and knowing He is. You would think we would learn to do it on our own without having to be knocked some Godly sense. But our over-driven, over-committed, over-eager, uber-enthusiastic selves seem to have an inability to learn the first time. Well, at least I do! Anyway, I love how responsive you are to God nudging you to slow down --- I read a great commentary on Psalms once that explained how part of a shephard's job when a sheep would stray was the break its legs, bind and cast them up, and carry the sheep around on his shoulders until it learned to rest and recover and have complete dependency on the shephard to go where it needed to go. Isn't that exactly how our kind God works? Compassionately breaking our legs - or slowing us down - so that we can get a breath and rest? I hope you soak up every moment of pregnant slower-pacedness, and enjoy rich communion and fellowship with Him while doing so. Super WOG Wed! Thanks for the reminder, as I have spread myself way too thin too ... and taken on way too many "martha" tasks when I know that a "mary" response wouldn't have been the better choice. Thanks for the encouragement!