I Heart Faces Tutorial WoG Wednesdays Thankful Giveaways

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Thankful Thursday!

I'm back! We were in Portland, Oregon for 8 days and we are finally home! I had a few pre-scheduled posts to appear on their appropriate days (I didn't want you to miss me too much...ha!) but I definitely missed a few posts, too!

Before i start my Thankful list, one post I missed was my Word of God post--it was sooo amazing because my W.o.G. post from last week was all over the place in Oregon. Well, my post wasn't but the verse was! I saw the verse written in stone on an old church building, a bumper sticker that said "WoG" (no idea what it really stood for!), and the verse written on a poster in the Seaside, OR hospital...

"Hospital," you say?

Why yes. We spent many hours there and most of my Thankful list will be about that! So, without further ado this week I've been especially thankful for...

1) Safe trip to and from Portland, OR and to and from Cannon Beach, OR

2) A wonderful, restful, and fun family vacation mixed up with old college friends,

their kids,


and running buddies

3) that my Atlanta Track Club Women's Competitive team WON the Hood to Coast relay race (I was on the team pre-pregnancy, hence our original intent of traveling to Oregon) and that I was able to see the emotional finish! What a great race, girls! I'm so proud of them and hope I can join them next year!

4) a fridge full of Whole Foods food--our church and neighborhood friends left us a very nice meal in our fridge and flowers to grace our table--a very welcome sight when we walked in the door at 1:30 AM Atlanta time (but still hungry because it was late-dinner Portland time!)

5) an overcast sky (and rain) that encouraged Monkey to sleep in until 9 AM this morning! I was praying yesterday that it would be rainy because if the sun streamed in through her window, we'd be up when it rose! YAY for rain and overcast sky!

Now to the hospital thanks...

Our little monkey was VERY sick on Sunday (105.4 temperature and a scary weird rash!) on Sunday. While they never determined a cause (the official diagnosis was "unknown rash" and fever from "unknown causes") we have lots to be thankful for:

6) that Monkey got sick in Cannon Beach instead of Portland. We were able to go to an amazing, Christian-based hospital that was small and not crowded (in fact, on Sunday night, we were the only ones in there!)

7) that our college friends now work in the health industry and were knowledgeable about the area, the hospitals, and the doctors

8) that Monkey got sick on vacation and not when we were distracted with thousands of other day-to-day things to do. Since we were both on vacation, J and I could give her our undivided attention.

9) for the wonderful doctor (Dr. Opie) and nurses that attended to her both days (Sunday and Tuesday)

10) for Monkey's sweet spirit throughout her sickness (she still signed and said "please" for her water, etc!)

11) That she was healed by the time we were back in Portland, no sign of rash or fever! Perfect for flying (and don't worry, we checked her for everything and the doctor cleared her for travel!).

While we still have no idea (nor do the doctors know) what she had, we think it was a viral infection brought on by an allergic reaction (her rashes looked like hives...). So weird but we are SO thankful that is over now!

and one fun one:

12) Comfy King-Size beds with LOTS of pillows (our monkey climbed all over them and LOVED them)!

5 people think...:

Upstatemamma said... 1

Oh I am so glad that she is all better - I have been thinking and praying for you guys! What was wrong?

Unknown said... 2

Your poor sweet little one! What a little darling - I almost cried at that little picture of her all snuggled up and sick . . . poor thing! I'm so glad she's all better!

Melissa G said... 3

Oh my goodness! Poor little monkey! You must have been terrified! I'm so glad she's better!

Julia said... 4

I'm so thankful you guys made it home safely! I'm also very jealous of Whole Foods filling your fridge!!!! Tell Monkey Im glad she's better and say hey to little Monkey and J :)

Sonya said... 5

WOW!!!! I am so glad that she is ok. That must have been really scary. Just looking at those pictures made me tear up!!