I Heart Faces Tutorial WoG Wednesdays Thankful Giveaways

Sunday, June 21, 2009

I❤Faces: Week 24

This week is all about the men! Turns out I have a lot of adult men in my life but no pictures of them and not too many boys in my life but lots and lots of pictures of them. Ironic, I think yes.

Adult Entry

Since I don't have too many adult pictures, I'm using one that I just die laughing at everytime I look at it. This picture holds a place of honor in our living room. I took it the very first time I went to visit J's hometown island--Martha's Vineyard. He invited a lot of us to his house for Fall Break and we stayed at a Christian camp that wasn't being used (summer was over!). Us girls had a bunk house and the boys...well, they had a bunk house but I'm not sure if they used it.

One night we decided to head to the Singing Sands beach and the boys were being crazy. I snapped a picture (obviously using flash!) with my ghetto NON DIGITAL camera--this was old-school 2001, people! Like, when you have to wait to pick up your film roll and you eagerly open the contents to see if you got at least 2 decent pics out of the 27 on the roll. Needless to say, I think we got one:

Kids Entry

Ugh. I took TONS of pictures of boys over the past several weekends. Okay, that last sentence sounded...uhh...a little stalkeresque. Really, I just tried to get some candids at parties and festivals that we frequented. After spending time editing several of my favorite shots, I showed them to J. Now, mind you, I usually show my options to J for his final approval and advice. He is the son of a professional photographer, afterall! Despite his opinions, I usually forego his choices in favor of mine.

Today, however, in honor of Father's Day, I'm honoring my husband, the Father of Baby C, by using his #1 choice. This was taken at a festival in Decatur--there is this huge statue in the square and there were lots of little boys climbing all over it.

Please consider visiting I Heart Faces for more fun entries with a Father's Day twist! You're sure to find lots of endearing and sentimental photos!

22 people think...:

Lori said... 1

Great pictures. I sure can relate to the first on, looks like my boys all the time.

tiff said... 2

Great photos. I love that first one.

Rebekah said... 3

I love the first picture, but both are great!!!

Unknown said... 4

Both of these pictures just SCREAM boys to me! : ). Really wonderful pictures.

AJ said... 5

Both of those are so fun!

Mrs. McFadden said... 6

fun shots

tiarastantrums said... 7

too much fun going on at your place

Anonymous said... 8

Great pics! So much energy in both of them. :)

Unknown said... 9

What FUN entries this week my friend! :-)

Unknown said... 10

"boys" all the way! Fun!

Foursons said... 11

Love the story behind the first photo. And the little boy in the 2nd is just precious.

Pam D said... 12

Both are great pictures, and VERY much boy! Men are just tall boys, aren't they? Wonderful entries...

Through My Own Lens said... 13

Am I crazy or did you have another kids entry earlier today?! He he he! This is a cool shot too though! You must be indecisive like me...I too can never make up my mind!

lislynn said... 14

Love the kids entry! How perfect is that statue for the theme??

Joyeful said... 15

I love that last pic! And I just read your comment over at iHeartFaces and was rollin'!! Lol! This is my first time to enter--I'm so hooked!!

Rosina said... 16

Ha. I love both entries! Men are being men, boys are being boys. Lovely.

Alice said... 17

ooh, i really like your kids shot! so much fun!

i have my shots posted now also, so feel free to come on over for a visit anytime.

The Animator's Wife said... 18

what a film camera entry??? Wow, you get extra points for that! I'm so glad it's not still 2001, I could never enjoy photography this much in film. :)

How fun!

Drew said... 19

I just read your comment on I Heart Faces about having a dream about posting the wrong link...too funny! Isn't it crazy how real dreams seem?

I'm so with you on the film! I would no longer be a photographer if I had to use a film camera. I would have given up years ago after paying big $$$ for crappy pictures. :) Glad you caught a great photo with your old school camera.

The one of the boys in the park is really neat. I like how the statue matches the real life action.

Rebecca said... 20

Those are great pictures! I really love your kids entry this week. Cool shot.

Mag Mom said... 21

Precious blog design. Pics are great. :)

Tess said... 22

Nice choices! I have the same problem...not many boys in my life.